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Great Monday. Warmer weather. Enjoy some great challenges!

Link of the Week

Be a friend of sinners. Here’s how.

Question: How many sinners (unbelievers) do you call friend? Or how many unbelievers call you friend?

A Depressed Pastor

If this famous pastor was depressed, maybe it can encourage those who struggle with depression in various ways.

Question: How does listening to others’ struggles shed light on yours?

Better Evangelism

Paul Tripp shares three keys to better evangelism.

Question: Which can you implement today?

Criticizing Christian Films

Here are a few things to consider BEFORE criticizing Christian films. I’ve done this quite a bit in the past, so this article proved helpful.

Question: How can you guard your criticism?

Plead With God

A challenging article reminds us to plead with God.

Question: When was the last time you genuinely, passionately pleaded with God?