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It’s Monday. Time for some interesting articles. This week’s articles and topics are especially interesting to me, so I’m glad to share. If nothing else, I like to make you think. So, here goes. Be challenged!

Link(s) of the Week – Why do you go to church?

A prominent Christian writer has stated publicly that he doesn’t go to church anymore.  It begs the question: Why go to church in the first place? Two responses to his statement made me think. I hope they make you think too.

Dear Donald Miller is a direct response which lays out quality reasons to attend church. Another article links this decision to a contemporary worship mentality. Not everything resonated with me in this, but it made me think.

Question: Do you have Biblical reasons for being committed to a local church? Have you thought through why you go, or don’t go?

For Parents 

Here is an article detailing why French kids don’t have ADD. Nine percent in the U.S. compared to less than one half of one percent in France. What’s the difference? Read to find out.

Question: Do you think the French approach is too simplistic? Why or why not?

The Big Debate

Last Tuesday was the big debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham. I think this is an important part of the debate follow up, and the overall discussion.

Question: Are you able to treat those who disagree with you in a loving manner?

A Complex Local Copley Township Story

This article in the Beacon Journal highlights a very complex issue for insurance companies.

Question: Is it difficult for you to separate emotion from contract, or law?