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Is your week off to a great start? Well, I hope so. But I also know that it’s not entirely out of the question that Monday has you in a funk. Odds are probably higher for that happening on Mondays, yes?

Hopefully a bit of challenging reading will help. Get your minds in gear and read through a few articles. As always, the article with the most clicks is the one I’ll feature on Friday. Enjoy. And, be challenged!

Link of the Week

Last week I posted what I call a “quickblog” featuring an interesting article about race issues. It was nine reactions to race issues – all by African American authors. In case you missed it, find it here.

Question: How often do you read from outside of your own race or main culture group?

Stirring About Race – White People Can’t Deny Problems Anymore

Here’s a great article from a white author – David Murray. He points out some challenging problems and offers some practical solutions.

Question: What one thing in this article convicts you the most?

When to Confront

Do you confront strangers in a potentially difficult or dangerous situation? Good advice here.

Question: Could you do what this author did? Why or why not?


Here are 14 daggers to kill worry.

Question: How big of a deal is worry in your life? Which of these will you start using?

Christian Double Standards

You really should read this. It will make you think about how you approach issues of “fairness”.

Question: What issues are most difficult for you to see with fairness?