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Good morning. Monday means I organize and share various articles of interest. Sharing does not imply complete agreement. “Challenge” means just that. So, I invite you, challenge your thinking today!

Trump’s Cabinet

Nine Christians in Trump’s cabinet. With all necessary disclaimers implied about Trump, politics, etc, I do trust this writer and I find this interesting.

Question: Is God answering specific prayers in the Cabinet selection process?

Censoring Down’s Syndrome

The French government find a video affirming Down’s Syndrome children “inappropriate”. This should make us wonder why.

Question: why would a government not want to expose its people to this video?

Low Preaching Expectations

A challenging view of how we approach preaching.

Question: how do you value preaching and why?

Disappointing Worship

“The church is more like a dinner in, at home with family, than one out at an expensive restaurant.” Read this fine challenge to how we can guard our hearts during and in response to worship.