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It’s the first Monday Challenge of November! As usual, I think these articles will be worth your while and provide a refreshing challenge to the doldrums of Monday.  Friday’s post will feature the article that gets the most clicks. Without further ado . . .

Link of the Week

It is surprising to me that ESPN posted this article, but it definitely makes you think. It’s about why certain pro athletes are unable to control their emotions. The answers are different than you might think.  Take 10 minutes and read it!

The Christian Faith

1. Here is an article about why parents made an intentional choice for their children’s education – public school.  I think a lot about this issue.  This viewpoint doesn’t seem to be too often publicized, but it certainly adds to the discussion!

2. Paul Tripp is usually a very good source for balanced thought.  This time, the topic is relationships.

3. One big blog post about adultery.  It might take some time, but wow are there some good thoughts here.


The goal is to be boring. I found this perspective helpful.

Black Friday

If you do the madness of Black Friday (I haven’t missed it!), here are some things not to buy on Black Friday.