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Good morning! Time for a challenge. These articles will challenge for sure. Enjoy.

Election and Race

The Church possesses a powerful weapon in the wake of the election: unity. This article challenges five specific areas.

Question: Which of the five statements challenge your thinking the most?

LGBT Evidence

This article references some recent studies which work against the narrative created by many in the LGBT community.

Question: How should a believer lovingly handle the information in this article?


What do idols do to us? Give this a few minutes and ask God to reveal areas of your life where false gods threaten the One True God.

Question: In what specific ways do we trust false gods? And in what ways do they mock us?

Down’s Syndrome

What a creative idea! This page features people with Down’s Syndrome answering questions about people with Down’ Syndrome. Great stuff.

Question: What did you learn? What would you ask?