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It’s a great week at the blog. Just a little while after posting Monday Challenge, I’ll be drawing and announcing the winner of the 2014 TDA Blog Giveaway.

I’m excited to post these articles. They all genuinely challenged me. Hope you are challenged too.

Link of the Week

A gay Christian? Not so, says this man who struggles with same-sex attraction. He loves Jesus too much.

Question: Put simply, how does this fit your worldview?

The Christian Faith

1. Real faith believes and perseveres. A great article from Mark Ford.

Question: How are you most challenged over the long term?

2. These are great pastoral realities. Thank you Dave Harvey! Read through them for some insight on what it’s like at times to be in pastoral ministry.

Question: What surprised you the most about this? How will affect how you view/treat your pastor?

3. David Murray with a great article on making and keeping friends.

Question: In our relationally confused world, how does this article help you approach relationships?

Reaction to a Down’s Syndrome Challenge

Be challenged as you see how this lady responded to someone who reacted less than positively to her Down’s Syndrome child.

Question: Do you have a consistent view of life and disability?