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Another Monday. If you’re anywhere in the Midwest, we’re in for another doozy of a week weather wise. Why not be challenged by something you read?

Link of the Week

Regarding money: Are you generous or selfish?

Question: Well . . . which is it?

The Christian Faith

1. One of the most significant days in church history – a VERY good read on the Muslim faith.

Question: What is one thing you take away from this?

2. We should be engaged in the battle.

Question: As 2014 begins, do you have a plan to engage in specific ways this year?

3. Here are nine things you should know about poverty. This pertains to American poverty.

Question: What is the most specific way you are challenged by reading this?

4. Can you spot leaders? Here are 25 ways to do so. As a leader, I found this challenging.

Question: How can you use this article to challenge leaders in your life?