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Good morning! Monday and challenge. Maybe Monday means challenge. Maybe you like Monday and want to challenge your mind. If Monday is challenging just because it’s Monday, maybe a challenging diversion will help? Was it challenging to read that? Then maybe you’re ready for a challenge:

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Love him or hate him, this holiday bears his name. The amount of change he inspired, no matter what you think of him, is worth a holiday. Here’s one of King’s most famous works: Letter From Birmingham Jail.

Question: Will you take a bit of time and read this document? Why or why not?

The Trinity

Every Christian should know about these three controversies regarding the Trinity. At least, so says the article. Indeed, this article will help you understand this complex doctrine better.

Question: What did you learn that you didn’t know before you read this?


To say Evangelicalism has an identity crisis might understate reality just a wee bit. This article helps think about a way forward.

Question: What does the term mean to you and why does it matter?


I’m not usually a good candidate for Oprah click bait, but I thought “Hey why not!” This article says it best by avoiding conclusions and leaving it open ended.

Question: Could she win the presidency?


This interesting read talks about the re-moralization of sex. I’ve often thought about how confusing our sexual ethics look and sound as a culture. This article speaks to some part of the current developing trends.