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Here is this week’s most clicked link:

It’s not wrong to question your pastor.

Go read this article.  It’s well done.  A few thoughts:

1.  Check Biblical accuracy.

One of the things mentioned in this article is to check the Biblical accuracy of what your pastor is saying.  There’s nothing wrong with looking something up that doesn’t sound right.  And there’s certainly nothing wrong with calling out what’s out and out garbage.

2. Come to us with problems!

I appreciate it when problems are dealt with face to face rather than behind my back.  There is much growth that happens on both sides when problems are confronted in person.

3. Encourage your pastor.

You might be surprised to hear how little encouragement someone in ministry can receive.  If they’re doing particularly well with something, chances are they’re just like everyone else and they wouldn’t mind hearing about it!

Have a great Friday everyone.