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Here’s an article that addresses a tough question:

How do you do what’s right when you’ve been wronged?

This week’s highest clicked article from Monday’s post has some really good thoughts.  I challenge you to read this article and think through it. Here are a few of my own.

1. Being wronged can kill your focus.

There is a natural human tendency to over-focus on those you think are being critical or those who have wronged you in some other way.  If you’re not embroiled in something like this now, stop and think about times you have been.

2. Being wronged undermines your service to God.

When there is ongoing wrong, tension, attack, criticism, the focus on serving God can easily shift to serving/pleasing that individual. The story relayed in this article is very helpful as we seek to understand what’s wrong.

3. Suggestions for how to run to God when wronged.

Soak your mind in the Scripture rather than the temptation to justify yourself or continue to ruminate about how mad you are.  Pray about your problems and ask God to reveal hidden motives as you serve.  Regularly evaluate past conflict and see if it still is flaring up in your minds.  Completely forgive the offending people in your life and ask God to help that forgiveness sink in to both them and you.  Ask God to show you weaknesses that may be contributing to your conflict (be willing to get the log out of your own eye).

Be challenged.  Have a great Friday everyone!