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A commentary on men is this week’s most clicked link (from my Monday posting of links).

Here is the article about boys who can shave.

A few comments to get you thinking.

1.  This is not just a Seattle problem.

The guy who wrote this article pastors in Seattle.  This is NOT just a problem isolated to his congregation or geographic region.  This past May the director of the Haven of Rest (an Akron area rescue mission) came and addressed a men’s group at our church. He described how many young men are caught in delayed adolescence.

2.  Producing vs. Consuming

I think this is an excellent way for young men to think.  Not just “are you currently producing more than you consume”?  But “are your goals in life to produce more than you consume”?  Bottom line, as far as possible, we should be looking to make the most of our gifts and abilities, what God has given us.  This should NOT include a vast majority of time devoted to consuming entertainment.

3.  Don’t be afraid to press men to live!

It’s a REAL adventure to save and marry your princess!  If you work with young men, don’t be afraid to press them to set goals, move forward, take on a project, or go on a real life adventure of living and loving.  You can’t just tell young men to be producers, there has to be some practical instruction and invitation.  Don’t under-estimate this.

Hope this was a challenging read on Friday.  Have  a great weekend everyone!