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Check out this week’s highest clicked link from my Monday post:

This article is well done and worth your read. Here are a few of my own thoughts:

1. I agree that being open is a great way to approach ministry.

If people don’t have the sense you will listen to them, then chances are it will be difficult to really help people below surface levels.

2. Let someone else figure out if they’re lying.

If you’re like me, you’ve been lied to in ministry. This can make you skeptical. This article points out something very important: when it comes to sexual abuse, it’s not up to you to figure out if the child is lying. Let someone else figure that out.

3. The challenge at the end is really bold.

I’d love for you to read it for yourself, but know that this challenge encourages us to think about consequences. What a bold stand to take and put that in print.

Have a great weekend.