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Here is this week’s highest clicked link:

Christmas tips for dads.

A few thoughts.

1.  Why dads?

Because I, like the author, believe men have a distinct ability to lead their families.  When dads are present (especially around holiday times), families are strengthened in special ways.  Scripturally, men are identified as leaders, so it’s no surprise that a dad leading his family in Christmas worship and tradition making would be a strengthener.

2. I am terrible at this!

Sure we have a few things we like to do, but I feel like I read this article too late this year.  We have spent some meaningful time together this year and always plan some special fun for Christmas day, but I think in future years I will consider trying to establish a good tradition or two we’ll especially remember.

3. This year has been hard.

There have been a lot of extra things going on through church work and other situations that have drained me and sapped me.  I’ve found it difficult to take care of myself, let alone find the resource to minister to my wife and kids.  But alas, we try, we press on, and we love our best because we were loved by Jesus.  I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity these next couple days to minister hope from God’s Word to our church family.  It’s my goal that my immediate family will be blessed by a dad who has resource for them too!

Have a great Christmas everyone!