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Here is this week’s most clicked article from my Monday post:

Also, here is an article I wrote on our church’s blog today regarding the same topic:

A few thoughts from the first article as you think about this topic:

1.  New believers are immature.

That’s truth and that’s great for us to know.  There is no guarantee that the maturing process for a Christian will happen overnight. I Peter 4:8 is a powerful verse I’ll ask you to check out on your own time.

2. Immaturity shouldn’t be tolerated any more than bratty children should be tolerated.

There’s not much else that needs said on this one, but I’d just add that Christians should be intentional in helping people of all ages grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.  Question:  If you had a friend who just became a believer, what would you do to help them grow?

3. Reliance on Scripture

Believer: do your rely on Scripture more and more in your daily life?  The answer to that is a helpful evaluator. We should look into our hearts and figure out where we’re still trying to do it our way, rather than God’s.  Scripture provides an answer in many of those cases.

Have a great Friday everyone!