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I hate it that stories like these have to be told, but this was this week’s highest clicked link from my Monday post:

Parents of an adopted child accused of murdering that child.

Take a few minutes to read this.  Here are a few thoughts of my own:

1.  At least the people in this story aren’t lumped in with all Christians

There seems to be a good amount in the comments that shows some discernment about Christianity.  I don’t think the slant of this article is designed to smear Christians.  It appears the extreme views aren’t lumped in with Christianity in general.  We Christians complain a lot about this, so I think it’s fair to point out that this article doesn’t seem to have that motive.

2.  Extreme sin doesn’t rule out extreme love.

It’s challenging, but these people can really be saved by Jesus and His amazing grace.  It’s challenging to think about, but if someone reached out to them with the truth of the gospel and they repented and gave their lives to Christ, they would be in heaven with any other true believer in Jesus.  I’d challenge anyone reading this to think through that lens, while praying justice on this earth will be done and perhaps point this couple to the one who can truly save them.

Have a great weekend.  Be challenged!