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This article from Desiring God describes six ways your phone is changing you.

It was the most clicked link from Monday’s post and I encourage you to read it.

After you do, here are two additional thoughts:

1. What are you becoming like?

This article does a great job of posing a very important question. If we’re not becoming like Christ, we’re becoming like something else.

The difficulty comes in being honest about which it is. Are we becoming like our phones? I think it IS worth the time to think it through.

2. Have some real human interaction.

This is the number one thing I’d recommend in response to smart phones. Simply put them down and engage with real people – family, friends. Maybe even set up “no phone” days or dinners as a way to communicate that we value each other.

Think. Honestly, in what ways are you becoming like your phone?

Act. Have some good conversation with those around you to ensure you’re building a legacy for things that last, rather than always being sucked into the latest and greatest the phone has to offer.