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This week’s most clicked link includes a very relevant topic:

Four goals for parenting.

A couple ways I was challenged by this:

1. “Make grace shine” sounds very difficult, especially in the younger years.

The younger the child, the more strict the discipline will be (necessarily so). But, finding ways to make grace shine is important. How about a little reprieve from consequence from time to time, to help them understand grace better.

Imagine your children reacting to a statement like this: you know what, daddy told you no more Wii the rest of the day because you were being disobedient, but because I want you to understand God’s grace, let’s play a 15 minute game.

2. Intentionality.

I’ve not heard of too many legacies (especially positive ones) that randomly happened. It takes intentionality to show children how to live godly lives. This is where the “advice” section of the article is helpful. If we intentionally seek and take advice from good sources, we are more likely to leave a godly legacy. Parents who think they know everything cheat themselves out of valuable resources God intends for us to have.

Parents: what will change in your lives because you’ve been challenged by this article?