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Supreme Court

In June it is likely that gay marriage will be the law of the land. It would be more of a shock if the Court didn’t rule that way.

In the meantime, those opposed to gay marriage are labeled intolerant bigots.

This week’s feature article (clicked by the most Monday post readers) gives the reader a chance to think through what marriage is, and why gay marriage shouldn’t become law.

Read “Why Not Gay Marriage?” – by Kevin DeYoung.

Then, see some of my thoughts below.

1. Think.

If you’ve heard all of the arguments for gay marriage, are you able to think in a rational way about arguments against it?

2. Definition of marriage.

I think one of the strongest points to consider in this debate (for both sides) is this: if gay marriage becomes law, then there is still some form of relationship that is not considered marriage. Marriage excludes. If this re-definition happens, then something will still NOT be marriage. When would re-defining marriage end?

3. Family.

I urge you to consider family as a primary reason the state sanctions marriage. The basic arguments DeYoung makes should give any believer, and indeed nonbelievers, pause before saying that gay marriage should appear in our legal code.

Think. Do you have a working knowledge of marriage, and arguments for or against changing the legal definition?

Act. However you speak about this issue, I encourage you to do so in love and without calling names. It is possible to disagree without vilifying the opposition!