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Each week I feature an article from Monday’s post. Here is the article I will feature this Friday:

The most consequential religious liberty case in a generation.

Here are a few additional thoughts:

1. I definitely think this is important.

I don’t want anyone to be forced into doing things that are against their consciences. This is significant because it strikes at the root of the freedom we have as Americans.

These cases are significant also because the government is toying with the lives of many employees who earn a good living at respectable companies.  The agenda behind doing this seems horrifying to me.

2. My ability to function as a Christian isn’t tied to freedom.

While these cases are important, we shouldn’t attach our hopes and dreams to them. That is reserved for the gospel, which grows and flourishes in cultures where freedom is and isn’t present. Our command to make disciples as Christians has nothing to do with the political freedom we have to do it.

3.  Pray!

I pray for God to be glorified in our country. I think He is more glorified when people have the freedom to exchange idea and hold convictions about the way they do business and how they provide medical care for their employees. So, to that end I will pray and I will encourage you to do the same.

Think. Does religious liberty matter to you?

Act. The most important thing to do at this point is pray! Pray for God to be glorified and people’s hearts to be awakened to His truth. Pray for the judges to exercise wisdom in granting business the freedom to NOT pay for abortions or abortion-type medicine.