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As an article that was clicked most on Monday, today I feature an article definitely worth a Friday Feature. This will challenge your view of the local church:

Seven Things Your Church Needs from You

Please read the article!

Once you have here are a couple closing points that stood out to me:

1. Priority

There is nothing (not school, business, outside group, non-prof, family) that grows by people prioritizing it less. This article has good thoughts about what it really takes to be committed: priority.

2. Serve

The more we serve others, the less selfish we will tend to be. I’ve not found too many people who have proven this wrong. So, the local church is a great place to serve. And the more you do, the more both your faith and your church will grow.

Think. If you are a believer, is church a priority? Why or why not?

Act. Don’t pick all seven. Pick one or two of these and live them out for the glory of God!