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Here are the top four articles clicked by readers of my blog in 2013.

4. This article summarizing a woman’s four basic needs came in fourth.  This article from Marriage Missions is a challenge and should be read by all married couples.

3. This great “Survey on Talk” from Paul Tripp challenges us with what we say. What do our words really accomplish? Are we really willing to think about it? I hope so.

2. This was my article of the year, but readers thought otherwise. These 10 love challenges from David Murray are a great way to think about what you’re doing in 2014. What if you tried to complete each of these challenges every month? Or, every other month?

1. Are you free not to drink? Patrick Schreiner wrote the post most clicked by the readers of Thought Driven Action.  It’s a great post about how believers should exercise their freedom when it comes to the use of alcohol.